About Us

We are a small group of cannabis connoisseurs from eastern Canada. We source the lowest priced cannabis from all across Canada and the world. We have over 30 years combined experience in the cannabis industry and we locate the best product at the lowest prices.

We believe in affordable cannabis.

Quality cannabis doesn’t need to be at a price point that breaks the bank. Now cannabis is more affordable than ever. However, it can be difficult to source reliable products at low prices.

So we are making it happen.

Our experience allows us to source the best quality products at consistently low prices. We aim to help drive down the price of cannabis for all dispensaries across eastern Canada. We want to bring quality cannabis to all Canadians and ensure that people get the best value for their money. To do this we have designed the first of it’s kind dispensary builder. To help dispensaries of all sizes source affordable cannabis products.

Dispensary Builder